Elements of Photographic Composition Scavenger Hunt

  1. The rule of thirds based on subject 
  2. The rule of thirds based on a horizon line
  3. Leading lines
  4. An image with the subject matter in the foreground, middle ground, and background
  5. Image with close/short depth of field
  6. An image with a far/long depth of field
  7. An image out of focus/lacks clarity
  8. An image with sharp focus/strong clarity
  9. An image with great lighting
  10. An image with poor lighting 

  1. my favorite image is image number 4. I think the subject matter is cool, and the fence adds a level of dimension and rusticness to it. 
  2. My least successful image is probably image number 1. I just found it hard to shoot rule of thirds based on subject. I really like it when things are centered, so it bothers me. 
